What we believe
At the Cason Lane Church in Murfreesboro, we use the Bible as our only guide for our faith and practices. Within the Bible, we find God's plan for how to live, how to worship, and how to love our fellow man. In fact we know that God:
"has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness" - II Peter 1:3
Simply Christians
Just us, trying to get to heaven together
We simply seek to study the Bible and apply God's wisdom to every part of our lives.
We are not part of any denomination and we are not a social club. We are just a group of people saved by Jesus Christ seeking to be Christians, nothing more and nothing less. If you are visiting at Cason Lane, we appreciate your interest and hope that you will join us soon to learn more about being just a Christian.
Salvation Through Christ
God's Part:
1. The Great Love of God for Man - John 3:16
2. He Gave Christ as the Savior - Luke 19:10
3. Sent the Holy Spirit as a Guide - John 16:13
4. Gave the Gospel as the power unto Salvation - Romans 1:16
5. Provided atonement by Christ's blood - Romans 5:9; Col. 1:14
Man's Part:
1. Hear the Gospel - Romans 10:17; John 8:32
2. Believe the Gospel - Hebrews 11:6; John 20:30-31
3. Repentance - Luke 13:3; Acts 17:30
4. Confess Faith in Christ - Matthew 10:32; Romans 10:10
5. Be Baptized - Gal. 3:27; Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38
6. Be Faithful unto Death - Revelation 2:10